Sunday, 1 April 2012

Bridge Road Chevalier Saison

As a top 10 finalist this too was on tap.

Pours with a flat head, and a pretty average saison nose. Mostly wheat, lemon, very slight spice.

Bit watery in the middle taste-wise, no real spice, kind of ok aftertaste. A bit cheap and nothing this, doesn't quite match up to its visions of grandeur.

The Nogne O collaborative india saison version was far and away better than this. Ie, worlds apart. Even Temple's effort was better than this by some margin. So I'm starting to wonder if Bridge Road only really do things with 'india' in the title really well.

With other breweries (Kooinda, Mornington etc just off the top of my head keeping to places that bottle) producing quality pale ales, IPAs and the like, I have to ask if this was only included in the top 10 because the previous saison wasn't available on tap, and they wanted some sort of variety in the countdown? 5.5

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