Sunday, 15 April 2012

Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA

So the common consensus on Sierra Nevada of late has been pretty bloody positive.

Enter Torpedo Extra IPA, which certainly pulls things back to earth with a thud, exhibiting the same sort of problems as the stardard pale ale. It's too fizzy, and too artificially sweet candy tasting.

There's also a lack of blasting hops for mine. It's kind of a standard IPA level I guess but where's the "Extra"? Where's the torpedo? At least it's up there in ABV - but then it seems looking at ratebeer, it's oddly rated through the roof by the wider community much like the pale ale. This is mystifying to me.

A bit meh overall. I find myself putting this in with Squires, and that's never a good sign. Buy the Rye IPA instead. 5.5

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