Sunday, 29 April 2012

North Coast Old Stock Ale 2012

Another barleywine, hooray!

This one's a fair bit removed from the frankly excellent other two tested - pours a totally different hue and with a more docile (read: elusive) head characteristic too. Sits heavy and portly in the glass.

Orange and marzipan come through on the nose.. quite light compared to the others and given its power at . Quite sticky in the mouth, heavy feel, malty flavour profile, some dark fruits in there too, bread, pudding, sultana, alcohol.

I'm aware this is one to be cellared etc ideally but at present all I can do is review what's in front of me - and at this stage it's just not that crash hot. Like Michael Clarke pre-captaincy, North Coast continue to talk a good game with a lot of fans but not really deliver at the highest level, to my palate at least. 6.0

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