Another Imperial Stout, tipping the scales at a referee enraging 9%.
I say enraging because it seems 9% is on the lower side for this style, which is frequently spot on the big 10 instead. In any case this pours nicely, with an attractive off-white head and solid black body.
The alc is definitely present in this beer, but it's not overly intrusive. Taste around that is coffee dominated, bit of dark choc, various dark malts, dark fruits.
Quite impressive in its own way but I find myself wondering why I'm not drinking a big nicer porter stout, or a massive IPA or something instead. Those who are a fan of the style however should still give this a go. 7.0
Bumped up to a 7.0 - and it's actually far better on tap, rates about an 8.0 if you can find it on a keg somewhere.