Sunday, 25 March 2012

Temple Brewing Saison

Saison, served appropriately in a nice wide goblet. Pretty attractive.

I'm told this and their other beers are being repackaged with the new branding and distributed via Phoenix, so we should be seeing these in Perth soon.

Slight powdery texture to this, mouthfeel and taste like a spicy, funked up wheat beer, most dominant characteristic is the citrus. Bit like a better version of Feral Golden Ace, with more kind of rural character to it.

I tired of this as it progressed. So yet again it's a 6.5 I'm afraid.

1 comment:

  1. Tried the variant Saison de Miel last time at Temple: honey added, and re-hopped version of the above.

    There's a bit of a blank spot about 40 percent of the way through the flavour profile to my mind (possibly due to the honey?) but it's a pleasant enough drop. It's also leveled up to a solid 8% in this configuration (again possibly the honey sugar I suppose?) so a reasonably satisfying brew.
