Can Paulaner put flavour in a beer? Let's find out.
My first impression of the aroma from the bottle was frankly, 'a bin with a banana in it'. Others call it earthy. I call it not a great start.
Pours darkish, lovely frothy white head, takes well to a cold glass. In the wider format there's more fruit salad in the nose, quite nice.
I can't claim to be an expert on this style and there's a reason - most I've had have been fun for 100ml then novelty banana acts .. not really to my taste. This is far better for mine - light carbonation, good mix of fruity flavours with the wheatbeer mouthfeel makes it really easy to put away and a fun journey getting there too.
As an example of the style it's a winner for me no doubt. 7.5
Hm. On retesting, this is still a very good example, but I'm demoting it to 7.5 on balance. Not quite the quality to justify the initial 8.0