Sunday, 22 July 2012

Holgate Pilsner

Sometimes, a light refreshing pilsner is just what you want - but so often the experience can be derailed by stray off notes that can counterintuitively make drinking this supposedly easy drinking style a bit of mission.

This example from Holgate stays with the tried and true Saaz Czech hops and pilsner malting with no evident additives. It pours beautifully and immediate impressions are it is a very light and crystal clear attempt with a snowy white cap that develops and persists atop string but not intrusive aeration.

Taste wise these beers are never going to write a novel, and while it seems odd to judge a beer on what it doesn't do, the fact this drop is so completely unoffensive is probably its single greatest asset.

It's a highly drinkable, faithful recreation of the style and to my palate, a far cleaner effort than many others on the market. CoughawardwinningTrumerPilscough. 6.5

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