Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Sierra Nevada Porter

A quick review - or at least a few thoughts on the Sierra Nevada Porter, helpfully provided by my mate Dave.

This porter pours a dark amber sort of colour rather than anything truly black and holds a low bone head. At 5.6% it's on the low side for a porter but nose out of the bottom is promising though dominated by chocolate.

A sip reveals this is a highly drinkable beer if a little sweet. Toffee tones along with the chocolate are the order of the day with no real bitterness to speak of. It's very easy to put away but a bit sweet and a bit one-dimensional.

I feel this beer also is a little overcarbonated, though certainly not to the extent of the pale ale from this maker. It's fizzy where it doesn't need to be and I find myself wondering exactly what the fascination is with this from the boys and girls down at Sierra Nevada. 7.0 from me.

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