Sunday, 23 September 2012

McAuslan St Ambroise Apricot Wheat Ale

Darkish pour for a 5% beer, and no real head to speak of. Both easily enough explained by the way this is, well, an apricot wheat ale of all things.

For me at least buying a beer like this is an interesting experience, as expectations are set kind of low for the most part, but matched against a thin ray of hope it may be a flavour sensation. In this case, you first encounter a nose reminiscent an alcoholic apricot marmalade, thick, heavy, syrupy and sweet. Taste is definitely apricot, with a welcome spicy citrus finish. Sort of like a liquid apricot danish in places.

I'm not sure if this is brewed with fruit - or more correctly, how the fruit is used to achieve this effect, but it's reasonably heavy to me particularly for the 5%.

Overall, not my favourite beer but hey - I didn't really expect it to be. This does exactly what it says it would, and there's no point getting upset about that. Nice work, interesting idea well executed. 7.0

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