Sunday, 24 June 2012

Moylans Chelsea Moylan's Porter

Tipping the scales at a flat five percent, it's clear from the pour that this is very much on the lighter side of the dark world, a flimsy villain at best.

Indeed it pours quite watery, and the fizzy light aerated head is shortlived and bubbly. It just manages a dark amber colour in the light. Vanilla and choc come through on the nose.. a little artificial compared to some in this bracket.

Taste ... yes it's one of those sorts of porters alright, nice lingering coffee grounds notes though.

Looking into this it seems it was brewed for his daughter which explains the philosophy behind this one quite nicely. I guess when making a porter named after your daughter .. hang on this is really rhyming pretty well.


There once was a man with a porter
He thought he would name aft' his daughter
He threw in vanilla
Thought flavour'd kill her
And lost some of his key supporter


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