Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Lindemans Pecheresse

Two pictures. One's where it started (with evocative label on show) - the other's where it went shortly after tasting.

For you see, this beer is SWEET - not in the bogan suburban sort of way, but in the horrific-visions-of-corrective-dental-surgery sort of way. I couldn't handle it at the fridge-cold temperature it initially occupied, opting instead to try to get it right down to near-freezing. It didn't help much.

This beer is just 2.5% so should be lightweight, but lacks the backing sourness to keep up with the mountains of sweetness it delivers. Were it balanced properly, I think it would be quite nice. As it is though.. it's kind of like an even stickier Japanese plum wine umeshu. Pretty hard to get through if I'm honest.

I'm not against fruit lambics - far from it. But this has little use I think for anyone. It's neither beer, nor a gateway to beer.. more a crazy low alc liqueur. If you have the choice, go for Lindemans Apple instead as it is worlds better (and may help convince vapid slack-jawed cider addicts to give up their sugar-water too!). 2.0

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